Careful, Karma is Coming to Get You
Most people believe karma has a direct definition of fate or destiny. Destiny or fate by definition is implied as an “unchangeable” predetermined circumstance and for many people holds a negative connotation. However, karma is very fluid in nature. There is a false pretense for some Westerners that karma has roots in Eastern spirituality and if you do not conform or integrate within an Eastern belief system this will not be pertinent nor be a way of life for an individual. This is by far a misconception as karma is universal and can be integrated into any tradition if the individual chooses to do so. It is also a misconception in order to believe in karma you will have to accept the concept of reincarnation. The idea of reincarnation does extend from the idea of karma but by no means do you have to believe in reincarnation. To begin this process we can start by applying this to the idea of karma to this one lifetime and the living in the here and now (which is solution focused thinking).
Karma literally means “cause and effect” specifically surrounding the thoughts and actions of our lives. So in simplistic terms we are creating/building our own lives. We have complete responsibility for everything that occurs within it as well (have been, are, and always will be). Essentially we create everything around us. Nothing “happens to us” and we are victims of circumstances. If things “seem to happen to us” this is because we have chosen to make our lives that way whether on a subconscious or conscious level (this is usually subconscious). Acceptance without question because of cultural viewpoints, familial history, religious beliefs, and societal norms are just some of the stepping stones which creates our life’s path.
We have all heard the following when it comes to karma: “This is just the way it is, things happen (from some outside source be it God/Devil/Evil/Angels/Etc, It’s just bad luck, it's fate.” When we choose to live and believe in this “truth” we are now accepting of this and we create/manifest it to reality. We then do not see there can be anything any different so change is almost an impossibility. It is only when you see you have an active role in this will you then be able to change this “stepping stones” in your life’s path. This is then moved from a subconscious to a conscious thought process and the shift of perception can begin.
When discussing karma it is important to remember there is no coincidences or accidents. Everything happens for a reason. No one comes into or out of our lives unless we allow it. People do not randomly come into our lives, we draw them to us, and invite them into our lives. We will do this either directly (such as “let’s keep in touch”) or indirectly by developing circumstances conducive to fostering these relationships. Those around us have their own karma as well. If they choose to leave we have no control over them and they contribute equally to a karmic interaction. If the karma of two people intertwine now you have a relationship (just an interesting side note).
Some events would at first glance look like an accident. However, if you take a better objective view you will probably see how you had contributed to create the atmosphere for the occurrence. We will contribute, draw it to us, or participate in each event in our lives. Coincidences are never arbitrary and there is a deeper meaning within each event. It is important to determine the significance of each situation (a belief system for many Jungian theorists).By resigning or giving in to an event reflects personal choice even if it is subconscious. Perpetuation of a choice lays a foundation that no other option exists. Within the concept of karma, an individual has many choices even though at the time the person may not believe so. No one creates your own karma except for you. If you believe otherwise, this is your karma as you are choosing this view. The choice is the cause. The effect is the result of that choice.
Karma is cumulative in nature. So in essence it is an accumulation of causes and effects. Already you have “accumulated” a great deal of karma and this determines the choices which is presently available to you. When you consciously work with karma you can create change and transcend the choices already available to you. To transcend and transform karma it is important to understand the concept of reincarnation. As it was stated in the first introduction karma is fluid in nature and you have an active role in making choices. The philosophy to remember is, “I have created everything in my life so far; I have participated in it, chosen it, drawn it to me, or perpetuated it. I can actively change any part of my life, of my karma by creation, participation, or choice”.
You have the option of developing new causes and effects in your life. If you choose to remain oblivious of what you are (or have been), subconsciously creating in your life, this can also be a cause. In this way, the effect looks like the events are happening to you or the events are somebody else’s fault. Just remember we are all blessed with self will; you are not hostage to life's circumstances but you can succumb to being a prisoner of your own volition.
Thought Provoking Questions
How do you view karma?
How has karma played a role in your life?